Behind the Curtain

Official Blog of International City Theatre

Archive for the ‘streaming video’ Category

GLEE is About to be SMASHED by Real Musical Television

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Now don’t get us wrong. Here at International City Theatre, we are very big fans of the television show “GLEE.” It has been wonderful to see Broadway stars like Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison star on a show that brings musical comedy back to the American public. However, while still a great show, the music […]

Is It Still Live Theatre if Taped for Streaming?

Friday, December 10th, 2010

The internet and its abundance of technologies continues to redefine how we live our lives, especially our consumer behavior. One such technology is video streaming. Companies like Netflix have single-handedly brought video rental giants like Blockbuster and Hollywood Videos to their knees because of this easily affordable and accessible technology. Today, you can play a […]

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