Tuesday, December 13th, 2011
There are very few writers living today who have had the success that French playwright, screenwriter and novelist Yazmina Reza has. Born to an Iranian father and Hungarian mother, Reza’s work has been produced and translated into over 30 languages, including God of Carnage, which will kick off International City Theatre’s 2012 season in January. […]
Tags: CA, God of Carnage, ict, ictlongbeach.org, international city theatre, long beach, Yasmina Reza
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Friday, April 1st, 2011
Back in 2009, we here at International City Theatre brought to the stage the Los Angeles premiere of Facing East, a captivating play about a Mormon couple struggling with their faith after the suicide of their gay son. The response from the audience was tremendous and we are so excited to hear that a film […]
Tags: CA, Carol Lynn Pearson, facing east, Hair, ict, international city theatre, long beach, play, theater, theatre, Will Swenson
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