Behind the Curtain

Official Blog of International City Theatre

Posts Tagged ‘ict summer intern’

Diary of an ICT Intern: Finding the Hidden Curriculum

Thursday, August 6th, 2015

International City Theatre is excited to introduce Amy Patton, our Summer Administrative and Production Intern. She will be working with us this summer thru the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Internship program, and will be producing a Blog series entitled “Diary of an ICT Summer Intern.” Arts education is supposed to be a core part of public education, equally […]

Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Why Young Adults Should See FENCES

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

International City Theatre is excited to introduce Lea Catbagan, our Summer Marketing and Development Intern. She will be working with us this summer thru the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Internship program, and will be producing a Blog series entitled “Diary of an ICT Summer Intern.” Color. What is it? You’re probably thinking red, blue, or maybe yellow—and rightfully […]

Diary of an ICT Intern: Theatre is a Versatile Medium

Friday, July 24th, 2015

International City Theatre is excited to introduce Amy Patton, our Summer Administrative and Production Intern. She will be working with us this summer thru the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Internship program, and will be producing a Blog series entitled “Diary of an ICT Summer Intern.” When people think or talk about art, it is often in reference to […]

Diary of an ICT Intern: As the stage adapts

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

International City Theatre is excited to introduce Amy Patton, our Summer Administrative and Production Intern. She will be working with us this summer thru the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Internship program, and will be producing a Blog series entitled “Diary of an ICT Summer Intern.” In biology, adaptation is defined traits in the history of an organism that […]

Diary of an ICT Intern: Rhyme Time

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

International City Theatre is excited to introduce Amy Patton, our Summer Administrative and Production Intern. She will be working with us this summer thru the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Internship program, and will be producing a Blog series entitled “Diary of an ICT Summer Intern.” What is in a rhyme? Well, a word ending in any other sound […]

Diary of an ICT Intern: Why you should see The Heir Apparent

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

International City Theatre is excited to introduce Amy Patton, our Summer Administrative and Production Intern. She will be working with us this summer thru the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Internship program, and will be producing a Blog series entitled “Diary of an ICT Summer Intern.” If you’re looking at the remaining half of ICT’s season lineup, wondering to […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Why Stage Actors are the Best Actors

Monday, August 18th, 2014

When you ask someone to name an actor or actress, 99.9% of the time they will name a movie or television actor. But society is forgetting about one very important type of actor: the stage actor! Stage actors are frequently overlooked, but for numerous reasons, they deserve our attention and respect – perhaps even more […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: The Man Behind Former Attorney General Francis Biddle

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

ICT’s upcoming play Trying by Joanna McClelland Glass is her personal account of working as a young secretary to the aging Francis Biddle, former Attorney General to FDR. Although Biddle’s accomplishments are impressive (he graduated from Harvard, became Attorney General, and was Chief Justice of the Nuremberg Trials), they are not what make Biddle an […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Audience Etiquette

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

Back in the day, people used to dress up for the theatre like celebrities today dress up for award shows – evening gowns, tuxedos, the whole shebang. People were all about manners and class. Nowadays, life is so much more relaxed. People wear pajamas to the grocery store, and they text while they’re having dinner […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Why Young People Should Go to the Theatre

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Theatre is inarguably dominated by an older crowd. One may wonder why, but it becomes pretty obvious when you ask one question: how exactly do young people spend their free time nowadays? Electronic dance music, music festivals, parties, Facebook, texting, and TV – this is the mainstream lifestyle of today’s youth (of which I myself […]

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