Behind the Curtain

Official Blog of International City Theatre

Posts Tagged ‘ict’

ICT Creates its Own “Gym Membership”

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

As the new year begins, so do new resolutions. Perhaps the most common one is to be healthier and get in shape. And in order to do that people usually purchase gym memberships to achieve fitness and weight goals. Well ICT has decided to make a resolution of its own as we celebrate 30 years […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Why Stage Actors are the Best Actors

Monday, August 18th, 2014

When you ask someone to name an actor or actress, 99.9% of the time they will name a movie or television actor. But society is forgetting about one very important type of actor: the stage actor! Stage actors are frequently overlooked, but for numerous reasons, they deserve our attention and respect – perhaps even more […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: The Man Behind Former Attorney General Francis Biddle

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

ICT’s upcoming play Trying by Joanna McClelland Glass is her personal account of working as a young secretary to the aging Francis Biddle, former Attorney General to FDR. Although Biddle’s accomplishments are impressive (he graduated from Harvard, became Attorney General, and was Chief Justice of the Nuremberg Trials), they are not what make Biddle an […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Audience Etiquette

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

Back in the day, people used to dress up for the theatre like celebrities today dress up for award shows – evening gowns, tuxedos, the whole shebang. People were all about manners and class. Nowadays, life is so much more relaxed. People wear pajamas to the grocery store, and they text while they’re having dinner […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Why Young People Should Go to the Theatre

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Theatre is inarguably dominated by an older crowd. One may wonder why, but it becomes pretty obvious when you ask one question: how exactly do young people spend their free time nowadays? Electronic dance music, music festivals, parties, Facebook, texting, and TV – this is the mainstream lifestyle of today’s youth (of which I myself […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern: Other Desert Cities

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

Hey guys! It is now the middle of my second week at ICT, and as promised, I have much more to talk about. For this week, I want to narrow my discussion to ICT’s production of Other Desert Cities and why you should see it before it closes! Everyone at ICT was talking about this […]

The Secret Diary of an ICT Summer Intern

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

International City Theatre is excited to introduce Milena Tonis, our Summer Marketing & Development Intern. She will be working with us this summer thru the Los Angeles County Arts Commission Internship program. Hello theatre buffs! My name is Milena (Mee-leh-nuh) and I am ICT’s new summer marketing and development intern. I was born and raised in Sacramento, but I transferred […]

Meet The Other Desert Cities Cast

Monday, April 28th, 2014

It’s no secret that Los Angeles is the mecca of acting talent, but people think this is true solely in the film industry. It’s also true for theatre, so when the opportunity to star in a Pulitzer Prize finalist play arrives, casting is difficult. International City Theatre, known for its first-rate casts, recently experienced this […]

Meet the Cast of Let’s Misbehave

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

As they prepare for their upcoming 29th season in 2014, International City Theatre is very happy to announce the cast of their season opener – Let’s Misbehave. This California premiere of a new book musical featuring the music of Cole Porter has a seasoned cast that will be lighting up the stage during the show’s […]

HS Students Can Come to ICT For Free

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

International City Theatre (ICT) is working to cultivate the next generation of theatregoers. At a time where arts education is slashed and fewer youth are being introduced to professional theatre, ICT has been offering high school students free admission to two preview performances of every 2013 production.  Next up is the hilarious “Don’t Dress For […]

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